
Laid-Back Foundations Exist

And they are the equivalent of your chill best friend.

March 31, 2022

Foundations are like people. There are all kinds of them. Some of them you can get along with; some of them you’ll tolerate. There are the ones you can not live without, and some you see from time to time. And then you have easy-going people (and foundations). They’ll make you smile, and they certainly won’t let you down. The following foundations we’ve picked up for you, reader, are a lot like the easy-going friend you have in your life. You can apply and walk out the door. You can freshen up with them during the day in the back of a cab. You don’t have to spend hours looking for the right shade, they’ll adjust to you if you accidentally bought a shade lighter or darker while online shopping. They wash off easily at night, but they stay put to a degree even on the hottest of days. When it’s summer, don’t worry about your foundation. Take a look at our curation of laid-back foundations and skin tints below.